Elenco di prodotti del produttore:Milesight

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11 prodotti.

Milesight è un gruppo che ha assorbito anche Yeastar e Ursalink, creando un'azienda  che fornisce un ampio catalogo di prodotti per la comunicazione ed il controllo.

Dalle telecamere IP ai sistemi telefonici hardware, SW e cloud, fino a dispositivi networking come router, switch industriali etc.

Mileight si è focalizzata sulla qualità delle proprie soluzioni,  scostandosi dalla concorrenza orientata al "prezzo".

Founded in 2011, Milesight is a fast-growing AIoT solution provider committed to offering the value-added services and cutting-edge technologies.

Based on video surveillance, Milesight expands its value proposition into IoT and communications industries, featuring Internet of Things communication, and artificial intelligence technologies as its core.

Through a worldwide network of distributors and system integrators in over 120 countries and regions, Milesight disseminates its products and services in comprehensive solutions with a hope to connect physical and digital worlds together to elevate AIoT intelligence to the next level.

Milesight officially expanded its footprint from video surveillance to AIoT and communications industries through the merger with Ursalink and Yeastar in December 2020.

The combination aims to create an unparalleled product portfolio and empower the next-generation smart solutions with the value of AIoT.

Milesight now consists of Milesight Technology, Milesight IoT and Yeastar Information Technology, specializing respectively in video surveillance, Internet of Things and business communications. Meanwhile, Milesight will keep extending the power of AI deep learning & IoT technologies to achieve a more efficient and intelligent world.